The Franklin Blvd. project in Glenwood is fully underway! In 2014 staff completed a preliminary determination that the project qualifies for a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Categorical Exclusion. The Federal Highway Administration agreed with the approach. Since then, we have been working hard to meet our obligations under NEPA and hope to have final Categorical Exclusion approval soon. Staff has now started the design and right-of-way phase. The above image is a rendering of what Franklin Boulevard will look like after the project is completed from the intersection of South Franklin/McVay Hwy and Mississippi St looking to the west.
During the environmental process a layout of the future cross-section of the road was developed in order to analyze the environmental impacts and was further refined numerous times to reduce the overall impacts of the project. The final layout is shown below and includes:
- 2 vehicle lanes in each direction
- Protected bike facility
- Wide sidewalks
- Roundabout intersections
- Access lanes on select blocks
- New permanent bus rapid transit stations
- Green water quality treatment facilities
- Landscaping
- Decorative roadway and pedestrian level lighting
- Preserved right-of-way for future needs
What Is Happening Now?
- Design of the roundabouts has started with the horizontal preliminary layout submitted for McVay Hwy to Mississippi Ave.
- Design of the entire corridor is in process with 30% expected to be completed this September. This design will include the entire horizontal design from McVay Hwy to Glenwood Blvd., vertical alignments and grading to build a 3D model of the roadway, swale locations, and pavement design.
- We are in the process of acquiring right-of-way for Phase 1 (McVay Hwy. to Mississippi Ave.).
- The current plan for construction is to construct Phase 1 (McVay Hwy. to Mississippi Ave.) as funding allows. The hope is to begin construction of Phase 1 in the summer of 2016
- The City recently submitted a TIGER grant application to aid in funding the right-of-way acquisition and construction of the remaining portion of the project from Mississippi Ave. to Glenwood Blvd.
- Staff continues to work with property and business owners directly affected by Phase 1.
Project Background
The redevelopment planning of the Glenwood area began in 2004 with the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan, followed by the Franklin Boulevard Study, the adoption of the Glenwood Refinement Plan, and annexation of Franklin Blvd. into the City of Springfield. More information on the project background can be found at Project Background.