Glenwood Projects

The Glenwood Refinement Plan

The Glenwood Refinement Plan establishes the vision for the future of Glenwood and will provide guidance on how land use, natural resources, public facilities and economic development opportunities should be developed, designed and enhanced over the 20-year plan period, based on a broad range of citizen input. The goal of the plan is to provide clear objectives, policies and implementation actions which will support and facilitate the redevelopment of Glenwood into an attractive place to live, work and visit. In November 2014, the Springfield City Council and the Lane County Board of Commissioners adopted amendments to the plan to incorporate revised figures and text based on the updated Franklin Boulevard Project design. (click title to visit website)

Main-McVay Improved Transit Feasibility Study

The purpose of the study is to analyze the need, feasibility, and public support for potential Main Street-McVay Corridor transit improvements. The study first identified transportation challenges and opportunities along the Main Street-McVay Corridor through general public and stakeholder input. Based on this input, the study’s Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) explored transit options to address and enhance all modes of travel along the corridor. (click title to visit website)

Franklin/McVay Wastewater Trunk Extension Project

The first construction phase of a new trunk wastewater line within S Franklin Blvd/McVay Hwy 225 was completed in 2014, and the second phase was completed in 2015.  The project allows for environmentally responsible development and redevelopment in this area and facilitates the ability for land owners in this area to annex their properties into the City of Springfield.