Author's posts
11-30-17 A Productive Season
A PRODUCTIVE SEASON It has been a productive construction season for New Franklin Boulevard! Starting in April of this year, crews worked steadily to build sidewalks, curbs, stormwater planters, bicycle facilities, and travel lanes for both the north and south portions of the roundabout. Construction will be minimal over the holiday season, starting again …
10-30-17 Striping and New Concrete
STRIPING AND NEW CONCRETE More progress has been made on New Franklin Boulevard! Late last week, striping occurred for the eastbound lanes, and eastbound traffic was moved onto the new concrete. Plus, the eastbound right turn from Franklin Boulevard to South Franklin Boulevard/ McVay Highway opened (see detour map below). We appreciate travelers continuing to use caution …
9-28-17 Right Turn Open
RIGHT TURN OPEN Work on New Franklin Boulevard is ahead of schedule. As of yesterday, the right turn lane from South Franklin Boulevard/McVay Highway onto Franklin Boulevard is now open. Please continue to use caution in the area as construction crews work on other features of the project. Click image for full detour map Why …
9-14-17 We Are Making Progress
Print Version of Franklin E-Update 9-17 We Are Making Progress Click on this drone image to see recent progress Construction is exciting and often complicated. It is exciting to see the new concrete framework for bioswales and rain gardens where plants and soil will clean out the pollutants that get washed …
6-13-17 Working Hard to Troubleshoot
Print Version of Franklin E-Update 6-17 Working Hard to Trouble-Shoot Thank you for reporting concerns and for sharing suggestions for improvements. We recognize that life in or near a construction zone can be difficult and the City is truly committed to doing what we can to help. We are working hard to fix the …
5-23-17 Detour Starts Wednesday
Preparations are complete and the detour will go into effect Wednesday morning, May 24th. The intersection of Franklin Boulevard and South Franklin (McVay Highway 225) will be closed to turns while under construction. A detour, as shown below, will be provided to access all businesses and residences. Wednesday afternoon traffic will be shifted to the …
5-1-17 Construction Detour, All Businesses Open
Beginning in mid-May 2017, the intersection of Franklin Boulevard and South Franklin (McVay Highway 225) will be closed to turns while under construction. Construction will take place between 7 am and 6 pm Monday through Friday, unless otherwise notified. A detour will be provided to access all businesses and residences. How can I get up-to-date information …