Author's posts
3-29-17 Construction Underway in Glenwood
The next steps to prepare for the road construction are about to start, while utility work continues day and night. Beginning in mid-April, Wildish Construction Company will prepare six buildings for removal. The Eugene-Springfield Fire Department will take advantage of the opportunity to use the buildings for trainings before they are demolished. By mid-May, road …
1-31-17 Right-of-Way Impacts
The City has worked to reduce the overall impacts to property and business owners throughout the project. Staff has worked with the property and business owners to purchase property, assist in the cut and reface of buildings that are partially in the new right-of-way or relocate businesses that are needing to move as noted in …
12-9-16 NEPA Document: Categorical Exclusion
The City of Springfield and ODOT conducted an analysis of impacts as required by the federal government. The following document describes the impacts and concludes that the project does not have significant individual or cumulative impacts according to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Franklin Blvd NEPA Document: Categorical Exclusion 120916 Appendices to the above …